AvaSurf SD-B
The purpose and use of AvaSurf SD-B is the same as that of AvaSurf SD. Instead of aromatic solvents, AvaSurf SD-B contains a mixture of non-aromatic and biodegradable solvents.
Surfactants mixture – anionic, non-ionic, amphoteric surfactants, non-aromatic solvent mixture, neutral PH
AvaSurf is a unique product for the degreasing and cleaning of various surfaces with high cleaning performance, as well as being safe and economic. It contains a mixture of biodegradable anionic surfactants and special additives, which ensure excellent cleaning performance and corrosion protection after the cleaning process. It is a user and eco-friendly product, so it offers significant advantages in both handling and application.
- Great detergency performance
- Easy application, no requirements for special equipment
- Economic and time-effective application